Interested in lab automation & digitalisation?
The 1-day event focusses on the elaborate knowledge exchange regarding automation, digitalisation, robotics and software (LIMS).
The seminar programme consists of different topics visitors can choose or combine from. In between seminars, visitors can meet specialists, people that share similar automation challenges or a vendor that can help them move forward.
Check out our experts, vendors and the full programme below.
NEW! - Eager to talk about or promote your own project?
This year, we are launching an award for the most innovative project.
You or your team can apply with your project on digitisation and automation. Send us before 26/09 more info on the problem that arose, the solution found as well as a short description of the route taken and a state of play today.
We will announce the winner around the end of September. This will be chosen by a professional jury. The winner will then be given a slot at the congress to present the project. We will also make a short video of the project in recognition and use excerpts from it in our last-call mailings to visitors and on our LinkedIn page. You will then have the video available for your own use to your socials.
To register, mail to: info@laborama.be
Join our seminars to hear experts break down what automation can do for you
Meet other people that share the same interests and maybe even share similar challenges
Automation challenge? Meet up with vendors who can help you move forward

EXPERTS (click expert for extract and more info)
Postdoctoral Researcher - Research group of Prof. Dr. Dieter Deforce
Stefaan Derveaux
Core Facility Manager
Sandrine Hamels
Project Manager Application Specialist EAT - Molecular Biology - Automated Liquid Handling
Eppendorf Application Technologies SA
Stefan Gelten - Darryl Antonius
Technical Manager
Synchron Lab
Sales Manager
Synchron Lab

Fabio Maretto
Pre-sales specialist LiHa
Olivier Duterme
Sales Engineer
Jindrich Peiren
Technology Manager
Ghent University
SCHEDULE (click topic for extract and more info)
09.00 - 09.30
Registration and networking
09.30 - 09.35
Welcome by Laborama
09.35 - 10.05
Streamlined and flexible NGS workflows through modular automation
Stefaan Derveaux - VIB
10.05 - 10.35
Enhancing Efficiency and Reproducibility in an academic setting through Automation
Dr. Bart Van Puyvelde - ProGenTomics
10.35 - 11.05
Development and implementation of a mobile application for sharing device information
Jindrich Peiren - Ghent University
11.05 - 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 - 12.00
Benefits of Process Automation in Molecular and Cellular Biology applications
Sandrine Hamels - Eppendorf
12.00 - 12.30
Innovating the Pharmaceutical Microbiology Quality Control Processes
Niek Van Overberghe - Microtechnix
12.30 - 13.15
Lunch break
13.15 - 13.30
CESPE: building a connected ecosystem for sustainable (bio)pharmaceutical manufacturing
Dr. Christoph Portier - UGent
14.00 - 14.30
Workflow automation with acoustic and tip-based liquid transfer
Olivier Duterme - Analis
14.30 - 15.00
Coffee break
15.00 - 15.30
16.00 - 16.45
Networking drink
VENDORS (click a vendor for more info)
Meet with some of the leading suppliers in laboratory automation solutions and discover how they can help you move forward.

Technopolis, Technologielaan in Mechelen.
This is close to the Mechelen-Zuid exit on the E19 and a good 2 km from Mechelen station. We are very easy to reach, however you choose to travel: by car, public transport, bike or on foot.